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An approach to risk of rockfalls on roads. Case study of the Rafael Caldera Highway. (2024). Torres-Hoyer, R.; Bongiorno, F.; Peña, J.; Barreto, W.; Picón, R.; Torres-Hoyer, J.


In recent times, significant advancements have been made in the development of road safety, making it a key focus for Highway Engineers. To ensure the safety of road users, various methodologies have been established for assessing vulnerability, threat, and risk in both road infrastructure and vehicles. This article proposes an evaluation of the risk associated with rockfall on roads, incorporating the analysis of geotechnical and road parameters, verification of risk and vulnerability criteria, statistical analysis of vehicle vulnerability, and the assessment of kinematic slope stability. Additionally, the classification of rock masses in terms of threat is considered, leading to the development of a novel methodology for risk assessment. The evaluation of threat, vulnerability, and risk utilizes conventional methods such as assessing rock mass quality, kinematic stability analysis, and statistical parameters. This methodology has been implemented on the Mérida-El Vigía Highway, giving results consistent with those observed on the ground, unlike the others implemented in the area. Keywords: RiskVulnerabilityHazardKinematic stability